Reasons to travel by road in a Delhi to Chandigarh taxi
The distance between New Delhi, India’s capital city, and Chandigarh which acts as the dual capital city for the states of Punjab and Haryana is about 252 km. A total of 4.5 hours is taken to cover this distance. Since Chandigarh is a cosmopolitan city, there are numerous ways to travel from Delhi to Chandigarh. One of the most preferred ways is to travel in a
Delhi to Chandigarh taxi.
What are the various ways that you can travel from Delhi to Chandigarh?
The aerial distance between the two cities in North India is about 232 km. It takes about 40 minutes to 1 hour. There are multiple domestic flights connecting New Delhi to Chandigarh.
If you are interested in traveling between Delhi and Chandigarh by train, you will be able to cover the distance in approximately 5 hours. The distance between the railway stations of the cities is about 300 km.
Traveling by road between the cities is pretty easy as there are numerous Volvos and air-conditioned buses. Additionally, there are state-run buses departing from the ISBT stands in Delhi.
Another way to travel by road is to hire a Delhi to Chandigarh taxi. If you are looking at comfort and convenience, invariably this is one of the best ways to travel between the two Northern Indian cities. We will tell you why.
Reasons to travel from New Delhi to Chandigarh in a taxi
Make sure that you book a Delhi to Chandigarh cab from a well-known and credible cab company like Tajway Cabs. The advantages are their well-maintained taxis, 500+ fleet size, and competitive prices.
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